# Stop Imports if __name__ == "__main__": # Imports print() print("Importing Libraries ...") print() import pygame import pickle import socket import threading import time import random import urllib3 from urllib.request import urlopen import re from network import Server print() # Assgin Variables print("Assigning Variables ...") print() ip_address_local = "ERROR" ip_address_public = "ERROR" port = 9306 clock = pygame.time.Clock() tile_size = 20 world_data = [] full = False connected_players = [False, False, False, False, False, False] player_names = [None, None, None, None, None, None] character = [None, None, None, None, None, None] player_positions = [[0, - 20], [0, - 20], [0, - 20], [0, - 20], [0, - 20], [0, - 20]] player_facings = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] player_bullets = [[], [], [], [], [], []] player_scores = [0, 0, 0, 0 ,0, 0] # Loading Images print("Loading Images ...") print() cave_image_dirt = pygame.image.load("./assets/blocks/dirt_cave.png") cave_image_block = pygame.image.load("./assets/blocks/block_cave.png") cave_image_player = "./assets/players/player.png" # Find Ip Addresses print("Finding Local Ip Address ...") print() try: ip_address_local = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) except: pass print("Finding Public Ip Address ...") print() try: data = str(urlopen("http://checkip.dyndns.com/").read()) ip_address_public = re.compile(r"Address: (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)").search(data).group(1) except: pass # Generate World Data print("Generating World Data ...") print() pickle_in = open("./assets/leveldata/level_data.txt", "rb") tile_list = pickle.load(pickle_in) row_count = 0 for row in tile_list: column_count = 0 for tile in row: # Dirt if tile == 1: block = cave_image_dirt tile = pygame.transform.scale(block, (tile_size, tile_size)) tile_rect = tile.get_rect() tile_rect.y = row_count * tile_size tile_rect.x = column_count * tile_size tile = (tile, tile_rect) world_data.append(tile) # Down if tile == 2: block = cave_image_block tile = pygame.transform.scale(block, (tile_size, tile_size)) tile_rect = tile.get_rect() tile_rect.y = row_count * tile_size tile_rect.x = column_count * tile_size tile = (tile, tile_rect) world_data.append(tile) # Left if tile == 3: block = cave_image_block block = pygame.transform.rotate(block, 270) tile = pygame.transform.scale(block, (tile_size, tile_size)) tile_rect = tile.get_rect() tile_rect.y = row_count * tile_size tile_rect.x = column_count * tile_size tile = (tile, tile_rect) world_data.append(tile) # Right if tile == 4: block = cave_image_block block = pygame.transform.rotate(block, 90) tile = pygame.transform.scale(block, (20,20)) tile_rect = tile.get_rect() tile_rect.y = row_count * tile_size tile_rect.x = column_count * tile_size tile = (tile, tile_rect) world_data.append(tile) column_count+=1 row_count+=1 # Generate Spawn print("Defining Functions ...") print() def generate_spawn(): player_x = random.randint(4, 240) * 5 player_y = - 20 return player_x, player_y # Bullets class Bullet(object): # Init def __init__(self, x, y, radius, color, facing): self.x = x self.y = y self.radius = radius self.color = color try: self.facing = int(facing) except: self.facing = -1 self.vel = 20 * self.facing # Player class Player(): # Init def __init__(self): self.reset() self.alive = False # Update def update(self, up, left, right, player): # Change in x and y dx = 0 dy = 0 # Movement if up == "1" and self.jumped == False and self.in_air == False: self.vel_y = -15 self.jumped = True else: self.jumped = False if left == "1": dx -= 5 if right == "1": dx += 5 # Gravity self.vel_y += 1.2 if self.vel_y > 15: self.vel_y = 15 dy += self.vel_y # Collisions self.in_air = True for tile in world_data: # X Axis if tile[1].colliderect(self.rect.x + dx, self.rect.y, self.width, self.height): dx = 0 # Y Axis if tile[1].colliderect(self.rect.x, self.rect.y + dy, self.width, self.height): if self.vel_y >= 0: dy = tile[1].top - self.rect.bottom self.in_air = False elif self.vel_y < 0: dy = tile[1].bottom - self.rect.top self.vel_y = 0 # Update Player Location self.rect.x += dx self.rect.y += dy player_location = player_positions[player] player_location[0] = self.rect.x player_location[1] = self.rect.y - 20 return self.rect.x, self.rect.y # Reset def reset(self): player_x, player_y = generate_spawn() self.image = pygame.image.load(cave_image_player) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x = player_x self.rect.y = player_y self.width = self.image.get_width() self.height = self.image.get_height() self.vel_y = 0 self.jumped = False self.in_air = True # Client def client(player, connection, address): # On Connection print(f"User Connected: {address}, {connection}") print() network.send_string(connection, "!JOIN") name = network.receive_string(connection) player_names[player] = name character[player] = Player() shoot = None # Game Loop while True: # Game Tick clock.tick(60) # Receive Message message = network.receive_string(connection) # If !DISSCONNECT if message == "!DISSCONNECT": break # Game Code if message != None: # Seperate Inputs data = message.split("@") input_up = data[0] input_left = data[1] input_right = data[2] input_mouse_position = data[3] input_mouse_clicks = data[4] input_leftclick = input_mouse_clicks[1 : 5] facing = data[5] # Facing if facing == "1": player_facings[player] = 1 else: player_facings[player] = 0 # Player x, y = character[player].update(input_up, input_left, input_right, player) # Bullets playerbullets = player_bullets[player] if input_leftclick == "Fals": shoot = True if input_leftclick == "True" and shoot: if len(playerbullets) < 3: playerbullets.append(Bullet(x+20//2, y-10, 3 ,(255,0,0), facing)) shoot = False for bullet in playerbullets: if bullet.x < 1280 and bullet.x > 0: bullet.x += bullet.vel else: playerbullets.pop(playerbullets.index(bullet)) player_bullets[player] = playerbullets for bullet in player_bullets[player]: if bullet.x >= player_positions[0][0] and bullet.x <= player_positions[0][0] + 20: if bullet.y >= player_positions[0][1] and bullet.y <= player_positions[0][1] + 20: player_scores[player] += 1 player_bullets[player].pop(player_bullets[player].index(bullet)) character[0].reset() if bullet.x >= player_positions[1][0] and bullet.x <= player_positions[1][0] + 20: if bullet.y >= player_positions[1][1] and bullet.y <= player_positions[1][1] + 20: player_scores[player] += 1 player_bullets[player].pop(player_bullets[player].index(bullet)) character[1].reset() if bullet.x >= player_positions[2][0] and bullet.x <= player_positions[2][0] + 20: if bullet.y >= player_positions[2][1] and bullet.y <= player_positions[2][1] + 20: player_scores[player] += 1 player_bullets[player].pop(player_bullets[player].index(bullet)) character[2].reset() if bullet.x >= player_positions[3][0] and bullet.x <= player_positions[3][0] + 20: if bullet.y >= player_positions[3][1] and bullet.y <= player_positions[3][1] + 20: player_scores[player] += 1 player_bullets[player].pop(player_bullets[player].index(bullet)) character[3].reset() if bullet.x >= player_positions[4][0] and bullet.x <= player_positions[4][0] + 20: if bullet.y >= player_positions[4][1] and bullet.y <= player_positions[4][1] + 20: player_scores[player] += 1 player_bullets[player].pop(player_bullets[player].index(bullet)) character[4].reset() if bullet.x >= player_positions[5][0] and bullet.x <= player_positions[5][0] + 20: if bullet.y >= player_positions[5][1] and bullet.y <= player_positions[5][1] + 20: player_scores[player] += 1 player_bullets[player].pop(player_bullets[player].index(bullet)) character[5].reset() # Send Data To Client score = f"{player_scores[player]}" network.send_string(connection, f"{player_positions}") network.send_byte(connection, pickle.dumps(player_bullets)) network.send_string(connection, score) network.send_string(connection, f"{player_facings}") network.send_string(connection, f"{player_names}") # Close Connection player_location = player_positions[player] player_location[0] = 0 player_location[1] = - 20 player_scores[player] = 0 player_bullets[player] = [] connected_players[player] = False player_names[player] = None connection.close() print(f"User Dissconnected: {address}, {connection}") print() # Active Connections def active_connections(): update_connections = -1 while True: connections = threading.activeCount() - 2 if connections != update_connections: time.sleep(0.1) print(f"Active Connections: {connections}") print(connected_players) print() update_connections = connections # Server def server(): # Server Started print("Server Started ...") print(f"Local IP: {ip_address_local}") print(f"Public IP: {ip_address_public}") print() # Active Connections thread = threading.Thread(target = active_connections) thread.start() # While Server Is Running while True: # Wait For Connection connection, address = network.receive_connection() print("jin") # Find Player Number player = 0 for placeholder in connected_players: placeholder = placeholder if connected_players[player] == False: connected_players[player] = True full = False break else: full = True player += 1 # Handle Client if full == False: thread = threading.Thread(target = client, args = (player, connection, address)) thread.start() else: print() print(f"Server Full Connection Failed: {address}, {connection}") network.send_string(connection, "!FULL") # Start Server print("Starting Server ...") print() network = Server("", port) server() # Exit else: exit()