You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

189 lines
6.0 KiB

# Imports
import pygame, time, random
# Animate X
def animate_X(screen, cell_x, cell_y):
# Position
cell_x *= 100
cell_y *= 100
# Animation
for i in range(35):
pygame.draw.line(screen, (255, 100, 100), (cell_x + 50 - i, cell_y + 50 - i), (cell_x + 50 + i, cell_y + 50 + i), 6)
pygame.draw.line(screen, (255, 100, 100), (cell_x + 50 - i, cell_y + 50 + i), (cell_x + 50 + i, cell_y + 50 - i), 6)
# Animate 0
def animate_0(screen, cell_x, cell_y):
# Position
cell_x *= 100
cell_y *= 100
# Animation
for i in range(39):, (100, 100, 255), (cell_x + 50, cell_y + 50), i)
if i > 6:, (255, 255, 200), (cell_x + 50, cell_y + 50), i - 6)
# Draw Board
def draw_board(screen, board):
# Background Color
screen.fill((255, 255, 200))
# Grid
for i in range(1,3):
pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 0), (i * 100, 0), (i * 100, 300), 6)
pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 0), (0, i * 100), (300, i * 100), 6)
# Markers
row_count = 0
for y in board:
column_count = 0
for x in y:
row_count *= 100
column_count *= 100
if x == 1:
pygame.draw.line(screen, (255, 100, 100), (column_count + 15, row_count + 15), (column_count + 85, row_count + 85), 6)
pygame.draw.line(screen, (255, 100, 100), (column_count + 85, row_count + 15), (column_count + 15, row_count + 85), 6)
elif x == -1:, (100, 100, 255), (column_count + 50, row_count + 50), 39), (255, 255, 200), (column_count + 50, row_count + 50), 33)
row_count /= 100
column_count /= 100
column_count += 1
row_count += 1
# Check Winner
def check_winner(board):
# Winner
winner = None
# Check Draw
found_zero = True
for column in board:
for row in column:
if row == 0:
found_zero = False
if found_zero:
winner = 0
# Check Rows
if winner == None or winner == 0:
for row in board:
row_sum = 0
for column in row:
row_sum += column
if row_sum == 3:
winner = 1
elif row_sum == -3:
winner = -1
# Check Columns
if winner == None or winner == 0:
for column in range(3):
column_sum = 0
for y in board:
column_sum += y[column]
if column_sum == 3:
winner = 1
elif column_sum == -3:
winner = -1
# Check Diagonals
if winner == None or winner == 0:
diagonal_sum = 0
for i in range(3):
diagonal_sum += board[i][i]
if diagonal_sum == 3:
winner = 1
elif diagonal_sum == -3:
winner = -1
if winner == None or winner == 0:
diagonal_sum = 0
for i in range(3):
row = 2 - i
column = i
diagonal_sum += board[row][column]
if diagonal_sum == 3:
winner = 1
elif diagonal_sum == -3:
winner = -1
return winner
# AI Move
def ai_move(board):
# Move Loop
while True:
# Block Rows
for row_counter, row in enumerate(board):
player_one = 0
player_two = 0
empty_space = None
for column_counter, column in enumerate(row):
if column == 1:
player_one += 1
if column == -1:
player_two += 1
if column == 0:
empty_space = [row_counter, column_counter]
if player_one == 2 or player_two == 2:
if empty_space != None:
return empty_space[0], empty_space[1]
# Block Columns
for column in range(3):
player_one = 0
player_two = 0
empty_space = None
for row in range(3):
if board[row][column] == 1:
player_one += 1
if board[row][column] == -1:
player_two += 1
if board[row][column] == 0:
empty_space = [row, column]
if player_one == 2 or player_one == 2:
if empty_space != None:
return empty_space[0], empty_space[1]
# Block Diagonals
player_one = 0
player_two = 0
empty_space = None
for i in range(3):
if board[i][i] == 1:
player_one += 1
if board[i][i] == -1:
player_two += 1
if board[i][i] == 0:
empty_space = [i, i]
if player_one == 2 or player_two == 2:
if empty_space != None:
return empty_space[0], empty_space[1]
player_one = 0
player_two = 0
empty_space = None
if board[0][2] == 1:
player_one += 1
if board[0][2] == -1:
player_two += 1
if board[0][2] == 0:
empty_space = [0, 2]
if board[1][1] == 1:
player_one += 1
if board[1][1] == -1:
player_two += 1
if board[1][1] == 0:
empty_space = [0, 0]
if board[2][0] == 1:
player_one += 1
if board[2][0] == -1:
player_two += 1
if board[2][0] == 0:
empty_space = [2, 0]
if player_one == 2 or player_two == 2:
if empty_space != None:
return empty_space[0], empty_space[1]
# Random
while True:
row = random.randint(0, 2)
column = random.randint(0, 2)
if board[row][column] == 0:
return row, column